It all depends. Technically, the process for applying for US Citizenship is called Naturalization. In general, green card holders who have been permanent residents for at least five years, or in some cases three (if married to and living with a US Citizen), apply on...
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Citizenship and Naturalization
What Happens At A Virtual Immigration Interview for a Green Card or Citizenship in NJ?
Due to logistical changes implemented as a result of COVID-19, it is not uncommon for some interviews to be conducted remotely by officers in different states. Some of our clients appearing for examinations in Newark, for example, have been interviewed by...
What’s the fastest way to become a U.S. citizen?
There are several routes to becoming a citizen in the United States, but by far, the fastest is to become naturalized by marriage. Expedited naturalization by marriage requires you to live in the United States with your citizen spouse for three years. Some other...
What kinds of tests must you pass to become a citizen?
There are multiple stages in the immigration process. Even if you had a strong and immediate claim for a Green Card when you entered the country, you still have to wait for citizenship. Many people choose to simply remain permanent residents and retain their Green...
New Jersey Drunk Driving Arrests Can Affect Citizenship | New Naturalization Policy
Drunk Driving (39:4-50) in New Jersey is a very serious traffic offense. Although not technically a Title 2C criminal offense, it is widely considered a quasi-criminal offense by New Jersey criminal defense practitioners. Interestingly, in 2019, New Jersey drunk...
Long Trips Outside Can Result in Abandonment of Green Card | Citizenship Issues
In updated guidance in its Policy Manual, USCIS provides extensive detail about the legal prerequisites to becoming a naturalized citizen of the US. While it is well known that permanent residence for at least five years is required, there are situations that involve...
I Passed The Test | Why Was My Citizenship Denied?
Applicants are often under the misimpression that once one has passed the history test, he/she has passed the examination and is entitled to citizenship. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. There are a number of requirements in order to become a...
New Immigration Policy on Long Trips Affects Citizenship Applications
USCIS recently revised their Policy Manual on Naturalization to further address the legal effect of absences outside the US. This guidance particularly affects green card holders who have traveled outside the United States for more than one year and who are now...
You Can Be Denied Citizenship For Bad Acts
Late last year, USCIS adopted two significant policy changes pertaining to Good Moral Character for naturalization petitions. (Every applicant must demonstrate Good Moral Character in order to become a US Citizen.) The first one, which we previously covered, pertained...
Filing for Citizenship After 3 Years If Separated
Under certain circumstances, a lawful permanent may apply for naturalization after only three years versus the requisite five years that is normally required. In order to qualify, the applicant must demonstrate that he/she has been a green card holder for at least...